Interview Tips

Useful Tips

  1. Do your homework; log onto the company or hospital website and gain a broad understanding of the company or hospital that you are applying to.
  2. Always be prepared, know who you are, what are your key selling points and where is your career going?
  3. Know your reasons for leaving your past positions, don’t be caught out by giving negative answers.
  4. Make sure that you wear appropriate attire if it is a face to face or Skype interview.
  5. Try and remain positive throughout the interview, try not to be negative about past or current employers.
  6. Don’t over talk and try and keep your answers clear and concise.
  7. Speak slowly if English is not your first language and always ask for a question to be repeated if you didn’t understand.
  8. Be confident, smile and always leave with a positive impression.

Sample Questions that the interviewer may ask:

  1. Can you talk me through your background and your reasons for leaving your previous jobs?
  2. What do you know about my company or hospital?
  3. What strengths do you feel you could bring to my company or department?
  4. What are you motivated by?
  5. What leadership experience do you have?
  6. How would you describe your management style?
  7. How do you perform under pressure, please give a relevant example?
  8. How would your current employer describe you?
  9. What has been your most challenging project at work?
  10. What has been your greatest achievement to date?
  11. Why should we give you the job?
  12. What is your availability to commence a new role?
  13. What is your salary expectation?

Sample Questions that you may chose to ask:

  1. Can you describe your organisational structure and where I will fit in.
  2. Can you describe a typical day in the life of my new job.
  3. How has the department changed over the last 12 months and what are the plans for the next 12 months?
  4. What are the companies or department goals over the next 12 months?
  5. If things work out well, what are the prospects for promotion?
  6. How would you describe the team I will be working in?

Always leave the interview with a positive impression.  Thank the interviewers for their time and say that you look forward to hearing their feedback. Please ring Cornhouse Consulting after the interview. This feedback can be critical within the entire interview process